Written by Sam Holloway
Want to know more about how sugar is bad for you? Click here to see a documentary on it (or scroll down to the end of this post).
The reason you are reading this story is because you want to know what is in our food? Read on to learn.
Everyday men should only have about 9 teaspoons of sugar and children 4 teaspoons. Most people go over the limit, and could get diabetes, a heart attack, or you might even need your teeth pulled out!
If you drink lots of juice, and I mean like 5 and-over-ish bottles a day, any age, your teeth would rot, and possibly all your teeth would have to be pulled out!
Rotten teeth:
Did you know?
Did you know that once a 2 year-old girl had to get 6 of her teeth pulled out, because her mother let her drink too much fizzy and/or juice! That's why you need to look after yourself too, not just your mum.
Every year, people, kids and adults, are getting fatter and fatter. As products are getting cheaper, they are also putting way more sugar than you're meant to have! Eg: kids should have about 4 teaspoons or under a day, and Tiny Teddies have about 2x more sugar than kids are meant to have. They have about 7 teaspoons of sugar!!!
Same as low fat or fat free products. As they lower the fat, they increase the sugar. Ever since they lowered the fat, they increased the sugar.
That's why people are getting diabetes, and eating too much sugar; they are eating fat-free stuff. That's why I think that people should stop fat-free products, and lower the sugar, so a lot of the trouble with sugar now will be stopped.
By Sam
Documentary I wrote about:
Documentary I wrote about:
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