Monday, 2 June 2014

Sourthern Lights

A few days ago, Quiksilver (my reading group) read a story about the Sourthern Lights. After that, we had to retell the legend. After that, we made an iMovie of our retold story, or Telligami ect. This is MY retold legend of the story:

Southern Lights

WOOSH! The waves crash against the dry sand, as the sun slowly floats down, making the sky turn into a lovely, orange colour. Just a few meters away from the shore, there was a kid named Tama Rereti lying down trying to find the early 6:00 stars. Tama Rereti was fascinated by stars so much, he wanted to stay for hours. 

Suddenly, rainbow lights flashed across the orange sky. Tama Rereti was amazed. Years went past, and Tama Rereti became a powerful chief, and wanted to see the lights he saw when he was a little kid once more. So, he decided to build a Waka and find the lights again.

When the Waka's last nail got hammered in, Tama Rereti ordered 50 men to sail with him to find the magical lights again. SPLASH! The Waka got pushed into the water, starting their trip to find the magic lights. After several hours, the men in the Waka stopped the boat to have some lunch.

Everyone tried to catch the crazy fish squirming in the sea. SPLASH! Water was getting splashed everywhere. Tama Rereti caught a fish and the fish's tail was squirming everywhere!

 Tama Rereti gulped the fished down... but then, a big fish bone got caught in his throat! He tasted fear. Suddenly, he fell to the ground. He was dead. 

The 50 men tried to take Tama Rereti back to their people, but then, an enormous storm smashed the boat on great big rocks. Everyone except for two people survived. Those two people told the story to their people. A few days after, the broken Waka and the dead bodies from the boat washed up on the shore. 

The people found them, and dragged all the dead people onto the Damaged waka, and lit the Waka on fire. The bodies and the Waka got burnt as the people watched the smoke rising, believing that the body's spirits were carried up into the dark sky. On clear nights, the people could see (And us) a group of stars that the people believe is the killed people on the boat called The Scorpion's Tail.


Retold by Samuel Holloway

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