Thursday, 17 September 2015

Hey Hakarena!

Hey Hakarena! Let's be embarrassing! Embarrassing alright! This hilarious video from England, about unleashing their "secret weapon" is so embarrassing, you've gotta be like, "What the heck!?"! As a kiwi and a New Zealander, that seems to be pretty stupid, acting like a bunch of NZ Haka rip offers.... But then their "Haka" turns into the Macarena dance, pretty weird, right!? Watch the video below and comment if you agree with me:

Monday, 7 September 2015

Art piece

Here is an art piece I spent quite a while working on. My bird, drawn on the right, is a kea flying in mid-air, about to land on a branch, shaped as a koru. What looks like behind him, is a flowing lake. Right next to the lake, is a tall mountain, almost looking like a volcano, standing straight and tall. Above it is the sky, with lovely patterns flying above, with a huge square koru, used as a cloud.

Sam Holloway