On the 10th of Feburary 2014, room 19 walked noisily into room 21 where a lady was going to teach us about hearing. She taught us lots of facts about the ears and here are some of them:
- There are tiny little hairs (even smaller than millermetres) in your ear and when you hear something, the tiny hairs move around.
- The louder the noise is, the more faster the hairs move around.
- If any hair in your ear moves around too fast, it will die. There is no cure for the hair if it died.
- The wax in your hair is supposed to stay in your ear so if you buy cotton buds to take wax out of your ear, your wasting your money and taking out usefull stuff from you ear.
It is best not to put anything long like cotton buds into your ear cause it could damage your eardrum, but you can put earplugs in your ear, but don't put it in too much!
We also played some activities (bit more like experiments) with balls and pipe cleaners. We learnt a lot today.